Mailing Lists

Vancouver Monthly Meeting (VaMM) operates e-mail lists for sharing news about the VaMM community. Please feel free to subscribe by emailing the list-minder with a request.

The E-Communications Committee moderates mailing lists, in keeping with the wishes that the Meeting has expressed over the years: That these lists be used for “announcements”, rather than for “discussion” amongst subscribers, and that content be in the following categories:

VaMM “Occasional” Mailing List:

  • VaMM newsletter
  • VaMM directory
  • Announcement, agenda, and relevant documents for the upcoming Meeting for Worship for Business
  • Announcements and registration forms for:
  • Birth, adoption, and marriage announcements for VaMM members or attenders
  • Announcements regarding serious illnesses, deaths, and memorial meetings within the VaMM community. News of illness is shared only if the person or someone close to them requests it.
  • Special announcements as requested by the VaMM Clerk, Western Half-Yearly Meeting Clerk, Canadian Yearly Meeting Clerk, or Canadian Friends Service Committee General Secretary

VaMM “Regular” Mailing List:

All of the above, plus:

  • Announcements of Worship Group Meetings
  • Announcements of events that are connected to the Meeting, i.e. official projects of VaMM, or that VaMM has a formal connection with, e.g. an event that it is co-sponsoring or endorsing. Try to limit announcements to the initial announcement, plus at most one reminder if the initial announcement was more than a week ago.
  • Greetings or news from absent Friends
  • Personal concerns, such as announcements of events that are not officially connected to VaMM but might be of interest to the VaMM community, are generally allowed once per subscriber per year. Announcements about things to sell/give away, cat videos, etc. are not permitted.
  • For ride requests/car-sharing to retreats and other events connected to the Meeting, organizers are asked to include the name of a ride coordinator in the event announcement, and Friends should then direct ride requests to the designated coordinator. Please don’t use the announcement e-list for such requests unless the need is urgent.

Other Mailing Lists

We have separate mailing lists for the following topics:

General Guidelines: